Saturday, July 10, 2010

Through My Eyes

I know that some people think with their heads and others think with their hearts...but most people, I believe use both. Which wins out, the head or the heart, changes from moment to moment...literally.

For some people the scale is often weighted towards one of the two, mind or heart, most of the time. I wonder if that is dependent on nature (what we are born with ) or nurture (the environment we grow up in)...

There are some things that I have thought in the last couple of months...that perhaps some will think is nothing but emotional garbage...but, nonetheless, it is what I think or feel or whatever you want to call it...and I'm entitled to that...take it or leave it...

* We need to look for the good. It is there. In a world that seems so full of bad, where we are always suspicious of motives and actions....we cannot forget that there is good. When we have been trained, by virtue of our past, to look for the bad, we miss out on the good. So don't close that open to looking for the good and maybe one day, you will see it more easily.

* It is better to stand alone and be extraordinary than to be one of a number of people who are so-so. It is o.k. to be a better person than most. Even when others want to beat you down to hold you back. I think that people make excuses all the time..."well this is just how it is so we just have to accept it." And to that I say "NO, we don't". I think that maybe, if I stand alone long enough, eventually, someone will come and stand beside me...and then I won't be alone anymore.

* I prefer simple words filled with big meaning over big words with simple meaning. Some people get hung up on words. Some people think that you need to have fanciful words or eloquent words to say what you feel or to get your meaning across. There are so many people who have fantastic "words" but those words carry no meaning at all. Words can sometime be just words and nothing more. People can say whatever they want....and their words can be meaningless, pointless or hurtful. In the movie "All About Steve" (which was not necessarily a box office hit, but it had a great lesson) Mary Horowitz (a cruciverbalist or person who creates crossword puzzles for a living) had a great line:
"Words people! Words! There are meaningful words, there are pointless words, and then
there are words that hurt!"
To me, I know when words have meaning...and when I hear them, I am usually left speechless...

* Sometimes it only takes just one. I truly do believe that despite considering ourselves "no one special" and despite being one of many. The important thing is that you are the right one, at the right time, in the right place. And if you are that one...then you are the most important one.

* Sometimes, admitting that we need help is a bigger sign of strength than hiding behind a facade of false strength. I know that I and some others I know put on a really good front to everyone else. True strength is acknowledging your limitations and weaknesses...and moving on from there...whether it be to work to get stronger or get help where you need it.

* If you want something bad enough, you will do excuses. If you are not happy where you are, doing what you are doing, listen to yourself. Make the change, sooner rather than later. Don't let fears and comfort get in the way. Some of the hardest things we do in life make us uncomfortable. I for one waited too long to act on my dreams...if you want to do something else with your life...go back to school...don't be afraid...make a choice for you to be will hopefully make those around you happier, too.

* Taking risks and going on adventures is not something I've ever really done...I always played it safe...looking back, I wish I hadn't. There is a lot to be learned from risk taking and going on adventures. You challenge yourself...learn about yourself, expose yourself to new ideas. Those are all good things...I missed out.

* Writing things down can help you a lot. You don't have to have fantastic words or be a great speller. If you just write down words as if they were spilling from your mind right onto the paper, you are doing fine. I once wrote someone, "Just write your stream of thought.
it doesn't matter if it is organized or make sense to anyone else but will be the only one to read it unless you want to share it with someone."

* We get two shots at as a child and one as an adult... When you have a bad childhood, it can make the adulthood seem harder, too. People who came out on the more acceptable side of a bad childhood (the way I see it, is you either become an addict etc. yourself, or you become over achieving or controlling) still have it very hard. We expect more from ourselves and we don't feel like we ever do enough. It is like the "How Full is Your Bucket" book... We fill each others, including our own, buckets by doing good deeds and giving compliments to others...pointing out the good stuff. We take out of others (and our own) buckets with hurtful words and deeds. For people who have had a bad childhood or rough life at any point, I think it is like we are working with a bucket with holes in it. Even when we are working hard at filling others, the bucket leaks. But, I found it in me to tell someone once, "You have already just don't realize because you are empty and winning doesn't feel like much when you are empty."

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