Friday, December 4, 2009

I've Come to Realize. . .

I've come to realize many things in the last 12 years:

1) God answers our prayers--just not in our time frame and not as we had anticipated. He knows what is best for us.

2) There is always a big picture and distance is what helps us see it. Whether distance be time or taking a mental step back, there is something to be learned by looking at the BIG picture.

3) People can change some "thing" about themselves, but that does not change them--the person.

4) People only give of themselves emotionally what they are willing to. . .it is when we expect more or want more, that we are hurt. It is our expectations that often set us up for pain--not something the other person does to us.

5) When you want people to take a journey with you that they are not willing to take, trying to drag them along with you only ends up in more pain than if you'd made the journey alone from the beginning--either way, you make it alone.

6) Elton John had it right--"Sorry seems to be the hardest word". But also, the deepest pains are hard to heal even when someone says they're sorry.

7) It is not just about the destination, but the journey as well.

8) Some people will leave you quite easily (and who they are may be someone who we'd never think would) and others will stay with us no matter what (and some of them may also surprise us).