Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Power of One

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." ~ Buddha

“If you’re not lighting any candles don’t complain about the dark.”....ONE...makes a difference. And for every ONE candle that makes a difference...if each of those one candles lit thousands of others (paid it forward)...just think how bright our world would be. Buddha, in his quote refers to happiness....what is happiness? It is not what possess that makes us happy (although they may bring moments of pleasure) in perhaps a simple example, sharing a meal with homeless gives them food but probably more important to them was our time and companionship that made them feel like a person who counts and matters. And while the food gave them sustenance for a day, that time and companionship and conversation may have give them sustenance for a great deal longer--perhaps even a lifetime if that conversation was something that really stuck I think that is what happiness is..moments...glimpses and snapshots of time...and we share them when we create them. The snapshots in time can last the duration it takes to eat a meal or how long the magnitude of the memory and impact of the moment lasts. We can make moments ordinary or just depends on if we are lighting candles..

Friday, February 10, 2012


Sometimes when we put people on a pedestal because our minds want them to be what we are looking for, what we need in the moment...and when we realize that those people are not deserving of that pedestal, it is not them who have fallen, but us. They are who they were all along. We were wrong to have put them there...and in the end when that picture of perfection breaks, it is us who ends up being cut by the glass fragments and we have only ourselves to blame. The important thing to remember is to learn from these mistakes and to not repeat them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Silence Speaks

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.” 
~ Elbert Hubbard

Sometimes silence is a way of communicating. Saying nothing says things loudly but only if we are listening. The sense of hearing is associated with the presence or absence of sound but most people only associate listening with the presence of sound. Stop and think for a moment of a time when you were given the "silent treatment". Saying nothing at all can speak volumes...but does the intended receiver understand? It takes a perceptive person to understand and I am not sure most people stop and truly process what their senses tell them to truly perceive...looking is not seeing...hearing is not listening...touching is not feeling.

One who fails to perceive in life short changes himself and others. What a sad loss. Some people's silence is filled with prayerful meditation, others with a spiteful message. People's words are also filled with importance. Reading and hearing/listening is not equivalent to understanding though. You must use all of your senses to make meaning...the more senses that are engaged, the more meaning you have....but...remember, when it comes to people (and many other things too) looking is not seeing, hearing is not listening....go a bit deeper...then you might understand a bit better.