Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Mist

Living in the is like living a life but not really living. It is going through the motions but being afraid to take risks, to go beyond your walls, and to test yourself. The mist helps to protect you from is a disguise.

Sometimes we choose to live in the mist because it feels safe. But because we don't want to be alone, we find someone else to come be with us in the mist. And usually, when that happens, it is also someone who wants that for themselves. But living life with someone with you in the mist is no healthier than living life alone in the mist. It is just that there are now two people going nowhere instead of one.

To really live a healthy life, you have to get out of the mist. And to do that, we need to not allow the past to haunt us. It is nearly impossible to forget the past, true. But we can either allow it to haunt us or to transform us.

It only haunts us if we let it.

The healthier choice is to not let that happen. Rather, what you learn and take away from the past in the form of a lesson or message, and how you transform from there changes your perspective as you look back upon it.

And if we allow that transformation to happen, slowly we can walk away from the mist and back into the sunshine and learn to truly live life the way it was intended to be lived.

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