Saturday, January 7, 2012

Red Boots

Red favorite pair of footwear. I bought a pair of red boots this past December all because of Mary Horowitz, the main character in the movie "All About Steve." In the movie, she always wore a pair of red boots and when asked, "Mary, why do you wear those stupid red boots all the time?" She replied, "You wanna know why? Because it makes my toes feel like 10 friends on a camping trip, that's why." 

 I think that what Mary really meant it that the red boots made her happy. Mary did not have friends. Mary was somewhat of an oddity. Her passion was creating crossword puzzles and she had a love or words. She lived at home with her parents and did not have much of a social life. People were always pointing out what they thought was wrong with her. I think, Mary wore her red boots because they lifted spirits. I think when people put others down, our natural inclination is to look down, and when Mary looked down, she could look down and see her red boots and think of her toes as "ten friends on a camping trip." I think the red boots gave Mary something to hold on to in a dark times and and get her through difficult moments. I think Mary Horowitz is the kind of person I would like to call a friend...she is a wise woman...with her passion for words, she turned it into a career, and she realized the power of words, she said "“There are meaningful words, there are pointless words and then, there are words that hurt!”

I have my red boots. I wear them for the same reason I think Mary Horowitz did...they are a reminder to think of good things in dark moments.

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